Why are we doing this project?
Child abuse is a serious social problem. A child's behaviour and physical symptoms may show that he or she does not feel safe in the family, that he or she is being abused, that he or she needs help.
It is not always clear what rules to follow when a child may be experiencing violence, how to talk about such situations with the child and what steps to take to effectively help the child.
Teachers/educational staff have a special role, but also extraordinary opportunities, in recognising the child's situation.
Pracownicy szkoły / przedszkola / placówki oświatowej, którzy umieją rozpoznać oznaki krzywdzenia – mogą podjąć interwencję, która pomoże dziecku w jego trudnej sytuacji.
It is very important that staff in educational institutions know what rules to follow in situations of suspected child abuse.
Responding to the needs reported by schools and kindergartens, from 27 September to 31 December 2021 the Association for Children and Young People CHNACE is implementing the project titled: " Countering violence against children by introducing standards to protect children from abuse"which is co-financed from the budget of the Government of the Lower Silesian Voivodship.
About the project
The project is aimed at employees of Lower Silesian educational institutions: teachers, pedagogues, psychologists and other persons employed in these institutions.
The next step is to prepare, together with the representatives of the educational institutions, a document containing the procedures to be followed when we suspect that a child is being abused - the Child Protection Policy.
The main objective of the project is to train the staff of educational institutions in preventing and counteracting violence against children and to introduce child protection standards in educational institutions.
The project is implemented on the basis of the programme "We protect children", recommended by the Empowering Children Foundation
What is a child protection policy?
The Child Protection Policy is a document which sets out principles for dealing with situations in which a child may experience violence. Thanks to the implementation of the policy in their institutions, teachers and management have a concrete tool and procedures to deal with situations of suspected child abuse. Such a document also helps to increase the credibility and reliability of care for the safety of children in a given institution.
What we offer in the project
- Trainings/workshops improving competences of employees of schools, kindergartens and educational institutions in the field of assisting abused children
- Preparation of Child Protection Policy documents for schools, kindergartens and educational institutions setting out standards of conduct in the area of child protection
- Specialised consultations
- Educational materials
Benefits of participation in the project
- The school / nursery / institution will have established and written procedures for intervention in cases of suspected child abuse, in the form of a Child Protection Policy
- Staff will be trained in recognising the signs of child abuse, how to intervene, how to talk to the child.
- Staff will know how to act in situations of suspected child abuse or in a crisis situation affecting a child.
Pliki do pobrania
Project co-financed from the budget of the Government of the Lower Silesian Voivodship.