In the face of war, a humanitarian crisis, the risk of child abuse is much higher. Child protection organisations report that 54% of refugee children have experiences of violence, including around 20% of sexual abuse.
From March 2022, after the start of the war in Ukraine, the offer of SZANSA was adapted to the needs of refugee families and children from Ukraine coming to our region
We provide support for children and their parents/carers.
To ensure the safety of children, we cooperate with representatives of institutions and organisations that provide temporary care for refugees from Ukraine
Our offer:
- psychological support for children and their parents/guardians. We provide assistance in Russian and Ukrainian.
- provision of safe meeting places for children
- a safe meeting place for young people is created
- we teach the Polish language to young people and adults
-organise thematic information meetings
- for children who require specialist assistance, we organise specialist consultations (speech therapy, psychiatric, other)
- provide material assistance to economically disadvantaged children/families
- we issue information material on our offer
- a facebook group "Głogów for children from Ukraine" was created, where we post verified offers of activities, help for children and young people
- we organise 2 editions of summer camps for children, in cooperation with temporary care centres for refugees
- we organise activities promoting the introduction of safety standards for children in places of temporary stay (face-to-face meetings, webinars, distribution of materials)
- all information materials, announcements are translated into Ukrainian

Project/flyer/workshop co-funded/financed with funds from Plan International provided by the Disaster Emergency Committee as part of the Empowering Children Foundation grant programme

Supper camps for Ukrainian children from the Głogów district from 04.07. to 08.07.2022 is financed by the Drzewo i Jutro Foundation.