On 30 November 2021 at 10:00 am Association for Children and Young People CHANCE is organising a meeting launching the project "Are young people all righ?"implemented thanks to a grant from the Active Citizens Programme - National Fund, financed from EOG Funds. The aim of the project is to increase the competence of teachers regarding the prevention of violence, discrimination and exclusion and to support young people in dealing with the consequences of these phenomena. You can read more about the project HERE
Who is invited to the meeting?
- teachers of primary (grades 7 and 8) and secondary schools
- pedagogues and school psychologists
- students from Głogów secondary schools and from 7th and 8th grades of primary schools
- representatives of NGOs working with young people
Meeting objectives:
- introducing the participants to the activities of the project "Are young people all right?" and discussing ways of getting involved in the project activities
- identification of the needs of teachers and learners to prevent exclusion, discrimination and violence
Programme of the meeting:
9:30 Registration
10:00 Otwarcie spotkania – Anna Lechowska, Prezeska Stowarzyszenia dla Dzieci i Młodzieży SZANSA
10:15 Presentation of the project and opportunities to get involved in project activities - Dariusz Grzemny - Association for Children and Young People CHANCE
10:40 How do schools in Głogów counteract discrimination, exclusion and violence? - debate
11:15 Break (refreshments)
11:45 Group work: identifying the needs of teachers and learners against exclusion, discrimination and violence
12:15 Presentation of results of group work and discussion
13:00 Zakończenie spotkania
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