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Perseusza 13, 67-200 Głogów
( 48) 888 586 246, ( 48) 888 381 047

Support us

Przywracamy dzieciństwo

We would not be able to operate if it were not for the support of our Donors. The Association for Children and Young People CHANCE raises funds for its activities from various sources, including private individuals. We do not run a business, and all the funds we raise go towards our statutory activities - help and support for children and young people and their families. Find out how you can support us. 
Find out what we do - HERE

Set up a standing order

Your regular donation is very important to us. By receiving ongoing support, we can plan more activities because we know we will have the funds to carry them out.

Donate any amount online

On our website you will find a special module for online payments. It is supported by PayU payments. Choose any amount and support our activities. 

Support us while you shop online

When you shop online, part of the amount you pay may go to us (you don't pay more). Install the reminder, choose our Association and you're done!

Przekaż nam 1,5% swojego podatku 

Jesteśmy organizacją pożytku publicznego. Możesz zatem przekazać nam 1,5% swojego podatku. W rocznym zeznaniu podatkowym znajdziesz dwa pola: Nr KRS organizacji oraz przekazywaną kwotę. Nasz nr KRS to 0000048342. Kwota przekazanego podatku nie może być wyższa niż 1,5% należnego podatku. 
If you don't know how to do this, give us a call. 

Remember that funds donated to a public benefit organisation (for its statutory activity) are deductible from income. You can therefore deduct them in your annual tax return and reduce the tax you pay.